engineering & consulting

WhatsUp Gold Network Monitoring

Find & fix problems before they impact users Application Monitoring Monitor Windows, Linux, Apache, Java and custom applications. Use out-of-the-box profiles to assure that you meet your SLAs. Automatically discover and leverage best practice monitoring profiles for applications, server services and processes. Easily create custom application profiles for your in-house applications. Powerful application monitoring tools […]

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Synchronized Security

Introduction Modules and server components Characheristics By problem solved Introduction Modules and server components Characheristics By problem solved […]

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You can rely on our highly-skilled employees

Our experienced and highly-trained employees and partners will help you with the different problems in ICT you might have.

We offer modular solutions

which will ensure that the initial investment does not burden our client’s annual budget or that the new technologies do not take too much time to get to know

The majority of the apps can be paid for in monthly or yearly instalments

with the option of further increasing or decreasing the scope of the service to suit our client’s needs.

We are interested in

working with both private and state companies to form public-private partnerships, finding areas for cooperation in ICT as well as other areas of mutual interest.

Authorised Partner

GDPR Compliance Project

Compliance by design
  • Data search, identification and classification and employee GDPR training
  • Assigning permission to employees
  • Monitoring employee efficiency and loyalty and the efficiency of data flows
  • Monitoring communication channels
  • Business communication archiving, using gathered evidence for legal purposes
  • Preventing internal and external incident and analitical investigation of the event sequence
  • Reports and graphic representation of gathered data
  • A flexible modular solution
GDPR Compliance Consulting
  • Managing Personal Data Governance and Accountability
  • Managing Personal Data Inventories
  • Managing the Protection of Personal Data
  • Managing the Exercise of Individual Rights
  • Managing Breaches of Personal Data
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Modern ICT solutions require quality and reliable hardware products to make it easier for users to take day-to-day operations using technological advances.

Whether a company is building its own ICT system and procuring the products it needs for its employees or accessing them on the cloud, it is important that there is complete confidence in the functionality and security of the system to keep employees focused on their own work tasks.

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2024 MD11 ict engineering & consulting