Dense general-purpose scale-out compute node
Product Message
Tremendous density and flexibility
Positioning: Ideal mix of density, performance and storage capacity in a 1U/2S platform
Key Fact: With up to 10 NVMe drives, 3TB of memory and the ability to mix 2.5” and 3.5” drives the R640 can easily adapt to application demands

Product Positioning
Target Customers
• Superior density for cloud applications, virtualization environments and Web tech
• Optimized platforms for OLTP and Decision Support Systems
• Dense software defined storage mixing NVMe and 2.5” or 3/5” drives to tier storage
• Excellent high performance computing (HPC) platform
• Oracle RAC and SQL database users
• Transactional processing (OLTP)
• Mid-range collaboration applications
(Exchange, Lync, Sharepoint)
• Dense virtualization and Software defined storage
• Service providers: Application tier
Customer Challenges / Pain Points
• Want faster, denser database solution
• Want a dense software defined storage node
• Want to expand concurrent users without increasing datacenter footprint.
• Want an SQL server with NVMe, NVDIMM,
Intel® OptaneTM DC persistent memory
(DCPMM) capability
Product Advantages
- Up to 12 2.5” drives or up 4 x 3.5”
- Up to 10 NVMe PCIe drives, 2.5X more than R630
- Scale compute resources with up to two 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors
- Accelerate workloads with up to 3 SW GPUs (NVIDIA T4) or 1 FPGA
- Embedded SupportAssist for faster, automated issue diagnosis and remediation
- Eliminate bottlenecks with up to 7.68TB memory
- Cryptographically signed firmware packages and Secure Boot ensures data safety
- Security lockdown that protects your server configuration and firmware from malicious changes